Cargo survey

Company «Industrial risk» provides the cargo and container survey services.

Cargo Survey is a survey of cargo and the vessel to obtain an independent expert assessment of the quality and quantity of goods, availability of transport to its acceptance and transportation and equipment integrity.

The company offers the following types of cargo of survey

Cargo survey/ Inspections:     

  1. Pre-Loading Cargo Condition Surveys;
  2. Loading / Discharge supervision;
  3. Cargo stowage and securing control;
  4. Tally of all types of cargo;
  5. Bunker / ballast / cargo Sampling;
  6. Сargo quality inspection;
  7. Seal verification/ sealing / unsealing;
  8. Draught Survey;
  9. Bunker Survey;
  10. Fixation of fact, condition and degree of transport vehicle damage or its absence.

Insurance Risk Survey:    

  1. Pre-insurance Full Condition, H&M surveys;
  2. P&I condition survey;
  3. Pre-insurance cargo inspections;
  4. Risk evaluation, damage survey, evaluation of amount/ extent  of damage,  loss control.

Container Inspections:   

  1. Container condition inspections;
  2. Elaboration of recommendation for safe stowage and securing of cargo in cargo transport units (CTU);
  3. Supervision for packing / securing goods into container with issuing of  "Container / vehicle packing certificate";
  4. Supervision for  containers  loading / lashing ;
  5. Container On / Off Hire Survey;
  6. Sealing/Unsealing / Seal verification;
  7. Verification of cargo absence after discharging from container;
  8. Damage assessment and evaluation;
  9. Independent Insurance claim investigations .​

For more details please contact:

Yan Nikitin
General director

Tel.:   +7(495) 662-46-12
Fax:    +7(495) 662-46-13