Joint stock company «Industrial risk»
Juridical address | Moscow, 109147, Vorontsovskaya str., 35b/2, office 407 |
Actual address | Moscow, 127254, Proezd Ogorodny str., 5, building 3, office 360 |
Telephone number | +7 (495) 662-46-12 |
Current account | 40702810400000001821 in PАО RGS Bank, Moscow |
Correspondent account | 30101810945250000174 |
Bank identification code (BIC) | 044525174 |
Taxpayer identification number (INN) | 7709215908 |
Tax registration reason code (KPP) | 770901001 |
Basic State Registration Number (OGRN) | 1027739000860 |
National Classification of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) | 46789174 |
National Classification of Economic Activities (OKVED) | 73.10; 74.60; 63.21.2; 74.30.8 |
National Classification of Administrative-Territorial Entities (OKATO) | 45286580000 |
General Director | Y.I. Nikitin |
Chief Accountant | E.N. Urbanovich |