Yan Nikitin
General director
Moscow, 127254, Proezd Ogorodny str., 5, building 3, office 360
Tel.: +7 (495) 662-46-12
Fax: +7 (495) 662-46-13
E-mail: info@inrisk.ru
Areas of expertise:
Loss adjusting / Risk audit / Risk management
The head of insurance engineering support practice.
Professional experience includes over 7 years of loss adjusting in property, third-party liability, marine and transport insurance claims. Yan performs risk surveys of oil and gas companies, logistics hubs and commercial real estate.
He has a long-term cooperation practice with leading European loss-adjusters, the largest insurance and reinsurance companies in the world.
Viktor Gritsuk
Director Engineering and Expertize Department
Voronezh, 394026, Moskovskiy Prospect, 7e, office 301
Tel.: +7 (495) 662-46-12
Fax: +7 (495) 662-46-13
E-mail: info@inrisk.ru
Areas of expertise:
Industrial safety / Risk audit / Risk management
The head of industrial safety engineering and expertize services.
One of the most experienced experts. Performed dozens of projects for the largest industrial companies in Russia.
Certified expert in the field of industrial safety in chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries.
Oleg Makarov
Volgograd branch Director
Volgograd, 400074, Raboche-Krestyanskaya str., 22
Tel.: +7 (8442) 26-99-42
Fax: +7 (8442) 26-99-43
E-mail: info@inrisk.ru
Areas of expertise:
Industrial safety / Risk audit / Risk management
Directs Industrial Risk CJSC branch in Volgograd.
Has a PhD degree in Technical Sciences. Full member of The International Academy of Authors of Scientific Inventions and Discoveries.
Certified expert in the field of industrial safety in oil, gas, chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries.
Awarded with a professional sign “For Merit” by the Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters.
Vladimir Kabakov
Volgograd branch Deputy Director
Volgograd, 400074, Raboche-Krestyanskaya str., 22
Tel.: +7 (8442) 26-99-42
Fax: +7 (8442) 26-99-43
E-mail: info@inrisk.ru
Areas of expertise:
Industrial safety/ Risk audit / Risk management
Professional expertise includes over 15 years of practical experience in industrial safety, health and emergency protection.
Has a PhD degree in Technical Sciences.
Active participant of international scientific and professional conferences. A partner of leading Russian universities. The author of scientific researches in actual issues of industrial safety.
Certified expert in the field of industrial safety in oil, gas, chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries.
Elena Skazkina
Volgograd branch Leading adjuster
Volgograd, 400074, Raboche-Krestyanskaya str., 22
Tel: +7 (8442) 26-99-42
Fax: +7 (8442) 26-99-43
E-mail: info@inrisk.ru
Areas of expertise:
Has the experience in the field of industrial safety declarations development, development of emergency response plans, industrial safety expertise, risk analysis, engineering-technical activities in emergency situations.
Industrial safety certified in the following fields:
A1 - General industrial safety requirements
B1 - Chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries
B2 - Oil and gas industries (expertise)
Ivan Belyavtsev
Voronezh branch Director
394026, Voronezh, Moskovskiy prospekt, 7е, office 301
Tel.: +7 (473) 262-34-37
E-mail: info@inrisk.ru
Areas of expertise:
Industrial safety/Risk audit/Risk management
Heads the Voronezh Branch of the Company.
Has substantial experience in industrial and fire safety.
Certified in the fields of Chemical, Petrochemical and Oil refining industries industrial safety